Monday, July 25, 2011
Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Scholarships
This scholarship is intended for students majoring in Science & Technology, Economics and Law and they should possess gifts for foreign languages and active in social works.
Upon graduation, the recipient would be bonded to serve a minimum of five years in Malaysia.
Applications are open from July 11 to 18. It can be submitted through or
Details may be obtained through 03-88853436/3892/3564 or at Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan, Level 5, PSD from 8am to 5pm.
Tags: Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Scholarships, Public Service Department, JPA, Science & Technology, Economics, Law
Friday, June 24, 2011
Indian Government's Scholarships
1. Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) Scholarship Scheme
This scholarship is opened to two (2) Malaysians but not available for courses related to medicine and dentistry. This scholarship is being administered by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations ("ICCR"). One condition is that you have to pass the English Proficiency Test conducted by the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur ("HCI").
For more information, you have to read the following documents:-
i) ICCR Application Form (can be obtained from HCI);
ii) Guidelines; and
iii) Terms and Conditions.
The scholarship will cover the Living Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Thesis and Dissertation Expenses, and Study Tour expense only.
2. Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (SPDC)
This scholarship is opened to children/wards of Persons of Indian Origin ("PIO"s) and Non-Resident Indian which means to say that Malaysian Indians are eligible for this scheme. 50% of this scheme is reserved for PIOs.
One hundred (100) scholarships are available here for the following undergraduate studies:-
Engineering / Architecture / Technology, Humanities / Liberal Arts, Commerce, Management (Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Management), Journalism, Hotel Management, Agriculture / Animal Husbandry, Science, Law etc.
The scholarship will cover at least 75% of the total Institutional Economic Cost ("IEC") or US$3,600 per annum, whichever is less. IEC includes Tuition fee, Hostel fee & other institutional charges.
Printed copy of this scholarship's application form can be obtained from the Education Wing, High Commission of India.
3. Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC)
Please check the respective website to know more about its criterias, guidelines and the closing dates.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
IGB Scholarship Awards

These scholarship awards are for the following courses of study being offered by local public universities:-
* Engineering
Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Architecture, Building Science, Quantity Surveying
* Business
Finance & Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economic
* Management
Hotel Management / Hospitality, Real Estate Management, Human Resource, Law, Marketing, Mass Communication, Retail Management, Public Relations
No news on any bond attachment with IGB upon graduation and it's catered exclusively for the lower income families. The scholarship is worthed up to RM40,000 per academic year that would cover full academic fees, books, and living expenses for the duration of the course. One highlight in this scholarship is that Paid Training Attachment made available.
Deadline for the scholarship is usually ends in June. Click here for a copy of the application form.
Tags: IGB Corporation Berhad, IGB, Malaysian Scholarship, Dato' Tan Chin Nam Foundation, Local Universities, Lower Income Families
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bayer Young Environmental Envoy
Bayer has a well-established tradition of environmental protection, which began more than 100 years ago when it set up its Wastewater Commission at its production plants at Leverkusen, Germany, in 1901. Since then Bayer has consistently stuck to the principle of more environmental protection, health protection, safety and Sustainable Development.
As a research-based enterprise, Bayer also places great emphasis on promoting science education for young people and has therefore been committed to promoting youth environmental programs for many years. In cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Bayer Group organizes and promotes a number of specific projects which aim to improve knowledge about the environment among young people and support them in their environmental commitment. One of these projects is the "Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Program".
Under this program, selected students / envoys from 18 countries will get to go to Germany on a weeklong study tour to experience how environmental protection is practiced by people, government and industry in one of the leading countries with regards to technology and environmental awareness.
The visit to the global headquarters of the Bayer Group in Germany demonstrates how companies - through product development and responsible manufacturing processes - contribute to sustainable development..............
This is open to people of 18-24 years old and who are studying in an institute of higher education in Peninsular Malaysia and are passionate about environment protection... I know I know ... all of you are too old for this ... but but ... I wish you can send to your younger brother and sisters.. friends.. junior..
The next field trip to Germany will take place 8-13 November 2009. You may ask "How do I apply now?" Well, you only have one more day to do so.
Please send entry form and answers to:-
Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Competition
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
T1-14, Jaya 33,
No.3, Jalan Semangat,
Seksyen 13
46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Entries must reach us by 17 April 2009.
For more information, you may call (03) 6209 3012 (Karen Koh)
Tags: Bayer Group, Germany, Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Program, Sustainable Development, United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP
Sunday, August 3, 2008
IOI Group Scholarship Awards

The scholarship is opened from May to June each and you would have to write in to The Secretariat, Yayasan Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng, Level 10, Two IOI Square, IOI Resort, 62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Tags: Malaysian Scholarship, IOI Group, Yayasan TSDLSC, Yayasan Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng, Agriculture, Oil Palm Manufacturing, Undergraduate
Sunday, March 30, 2008
IJM Scholarship Awards

If your course of study is amongst the following, you apply for the scholarship:-
• Accounting
• Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical & Industrial)
• Housing, Building & Planning
• Quantity Surveying
• Applied Science (Polymer Science/Mineral Science)
• Economics/Business Administration
• Agricultural Science/Agribusiness
• Science (Material Science/Geology)
No news on any bond attachment with IJM upon graduation. The scholarship is worth RM10,000 per academic year. The scholarship is only intended for full-time undergraduate study at a local public or private university.
Deadline for the scholarship is usually mid April. Click here to apply online or for a copy of the application form.
Tags: IJM Corporation Berhad, Malaysian Scholarship, Public University, Private University, Undergraduate Study
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Chemical Company of Malaysia Scholarships

Courses of study (which are related to the Company's business):-
- Pharmacy / Biomedical
- Engineering (Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical)
- Bioindustry / Sciences
Closing date: End March.
Tags: Chemical Company of Malaysia, Malaysian Scholarship, Matriculation Courses
Yayasan Proton Scholarship

Yayasan Proton Scholarship is under the helm of Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd ("Proton"), Malaysia's first national car manufacturer.
The scholarship programme has three categories:-
1. Students with Academic Excellence
a) CGPA 3.5 and above
b) Posesses strong leadership traits and good communication skills / proficient in English
c) Active in extra-curricular activities
2. Students from a Eligible Family
a) CGPA 3.0 and above
b) Household income not more than RM1,500 per month
3. Students / Children of Proton Employee
a) CGPA 3.0 and above
b) Staff that has been serving Proton for a minimum of 3 years
Field of Study:-
• Engineering - Electronics / Electrical / Mechanical / Mechatronics / Automotive Engineering
• Marketing
• Accountancy / Business Administration
• Information Technology
• Law
The abovementioned scholarships are for degree courses in local public or private universities only and graduates would have to serve the Proton group of companies upon graduation.
The scholarship would cover the academic fees, subsistence, book and accomodation allowances. Click here for the application form.
Tags: Malaysian Scholarship, Yayasan Proton, Proton, Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd