Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wawasan Open University Scholarship

Wawasan Open University ("WOU") is Malaysia's first private, not-for-profit and an open learning institution. It was mooted by Wawasan Education Foundation at the Gerakan National Delegates Conference in Penang way back in 1999 but the university was only established in June 2006.

WOU adopts an Open Distance Learning system where education is imparted to learners who may not be physically present on campus. With this philosophy, it allows students from various places, backgrounds and of different timing to study for their undergraduate degree at their own pace with the help of information technology.

Currently, WOU offers the following ten degree programmes:
School of Business and Administration
Bachelor of Business in Accounting (Hons)
Bachelor of Business in Banking and Finance (Hons)
Bachelor of Business in Business Information Systems (Hons)
Bachelor of Business in Management (Hons)
Bachelor of Business in Sales and Marketing (Hons)

School of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Computer System and Networks (Hons)
Bachelor of Technology in Computing and Intelligence Systems (Hons)
Bachelor of Technology in Electronic Commerce (Hons)
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics (Hons)
Bachelor of Technology in Information and Communication Technology (Hons)

Scholarships are available annually and applications are normally accepted till mid April. The scholarships will cover tuition fees only (up to a maximum of 9 credits) for Undergraduate programs or RM500 - Headstart Program. Results will usually be announced by end May.

The scholarship application can be downloaded from

Tags: Wawasan Open University, Wawasan Education Foundation, Scholarship, Gerakan, School of Business and Administration, School of Science and Technology, Undergraduate Degree